Monday, January 21, 2008

The Game of Self Defense

Okay, let’s play a quick little game that’s sure to improve your self-defense skills.

It’s really quite easy to play and almost anyone can do it, regardless of their ability or expertise in the martial arts.

First, watch the short clip below. It’s from a video called, “Self Defense Against Attacks From All Directions.” Available at

The video clip provides us with 5 European martial artists showing us self defense techniques from a variety of styles, including Penchak Silat, Jeet Kune Do, Kali, and Tae Kwon Do.

The presenters each show us multiple ways of handling the same type of defense situation as it is practiced in their particular discipline. In this clip, we see how the martial artists would handle a two-person attack or an attack with a weapon.

Now, here's how we play the game;

First, watch the entire clip and pick out one technique that you really don't like; something that you think wouldn't work 'in real-life.' There's probably at least one move out of the bunch that doesn't seem realistic.

Now, ask yourself, "How could I make that technique work?"What would you do to improve it? Would you move differently? Strike another target? Grapple instead of strike? (Or vice-versa?)

Even though we practice and drill our techniques a certain way in class, there's always the possibility that during the chaos of a fight, we might find ourselves in an unfamiliar position. By playing this mental game, we allow ourselves to think our way out of a bad situation.

Go ahead and try it!

Now, let's play the game again, only this time find a move that you really like; something that you think you would actually try to do in a fight. Remember, there's five diverse styles represented here, so there's bound to be something appealing to you.

Now, (here's the fun part) ask yourself, "What would I do to improve that technique?"

Even though you feel it's a good move, there's probably still a little room for improvement. What would you tweak?Would you change the timing? Could you simplify the movement? Is there an opening somewhere that needs to be defended? How could the attacker counter you?….

Be creative and please post your thoughts in the 'comments' section below.

Here's how I'd play:


One of the moves that I really didn't like much took place 36 seconds into the clip. In it the guy in red (Looks like Silat - it doesn't matter) is approached by the side and from behind.

He first hit's the guy to his side with a strike to the chest (that doesn't even seem to phase him) then gives the guy behind him a back kick (which luckily drops him), before finishing up by blocking a roundhouse kick and countering with a groin kick.

I don't think his initial strike was very strong and believe that he would be in big trouble if his back kick fails to drop the man behind him.

If I were in his situation, I would try to attack the man behind me first with a reverse elbow (if close) or a spinning backfist (if further away).While striking, I would move myself out of range of the other attacker and attempt to place the man behind me between us. I would angle off to his left and continue punishing him with elbows and strikes to the neck and head keeping him between myself and the other attacker. I would finish with a low kick to the leg, sending him down.Then I would rush the other attacker, sweeping his base leg as he attempted the roundhouse kick and run away before either of them could get up… At least that's the way it plays out in my mind.


At 54 seconds into the clip, one guy's arms are grabbed by two attackers. He groin kicks the opponent on his right, then side kicks the opponent on his left. (Pretty good so far.) Then he does a really cool punch-release to get out of the right opponent's hold. With his right hand now free, he traps over the other opponent's arm and lets loose with a right punch to the neck.He then kinda arm bars as he moves off of the angle of attack to escape.

A really good technique, I think.If I had to change anything, I guess it would be the fact that he puts an awful lot of confidence in the groin kick taking out the right attacker. (It might work… but then again, if he misses, that guy will be on him quick!)I think that rather than attempt the kinda arm bar and moving off angle, he should pull the left opponent over into his buddy. (He could still control the arm while he does this.)This way, if the right opponent is still able to fight, they both end up tangled together. (Or, if he's on the ground holding his groin, 'Lefty' ends up tripping over him.) Allowing the defender to escape.Also, I think that I'd change the target of the side kick lower into the leg. A rib shot is okay, but I think that a hard kick to the kneecap has a better chance of dropping the attacker.

What do you think?

Are my ideas any good?

What would YOU DO?

Let's play!

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